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  Topic: Difference between Global Warming Science, and global warming politics?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2008,01:55   

Quote (skeptic @ April 18 2008,02:46)
The Iraq statement is not out of the blue it's out of Louis's mouth.  Check the records.

And yes I will admit my bias, I'm using scientists to describe those doing primary research in the physical sciences.  Economists are not scientists as far as I'm concerned for this discussion, experts maybe but scientists no.

George, ever been to Vienna?

Louis...nevermind, I'm just not interested in wasting my time with you any longer.

Final point, or a reinforcement of the previous one, notice how many terribly negative impacts have been listed in the last ten or so posts even after the admission that GW can have positive effects too.  Hurrah for the wine makers.  How about the wheat farmers that want to change to rice farming?  How about giving a little more credence to the idea that little ol' humans can adapt to slowly changing climate?  And if they can't maybe they're getting what they deserve...

Waste YOUR time? Sorry but when have I ever (for example) lied about what you write? Provide examples, liar.

[ASIDE: BWE, I did make some comment about the Iraq war that Skeptic has seized on. I remember reading somewhere about the similarly sized budgets for certain proposed humanitarian activities and the Iraq war. I'd have to go back and find out what the actual numbers were though. Anyway, the original comments were designed to be a throwaway point about "we have the resources and ability to do something big, what big thing we choose to do is perhaps at issue". It's no surprise that Skeptic missed the point.]

You're moving the goalposts like the dishonest shitbag you are Skeptic. You whine "Waaaaaaaaah everyone complains about the negative effects of climate change they never mention the positive so they're all afraid of change waaaaah!" and when people do mention that a) your caricature of their views is in error and b) that there are some "positive" effects of climate change you complain that we haven't mentioned enough.

Fuck off and buy a clue, there's a good moron.

Now have you got the balls to discuss the science and whilst your at it apologise for lying about my comments, or are you just going to act like the whiny, anti-intellectual oward we all know you are? Hmmm, I know which it will be, anyone wanna make a bet?



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