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  Topic: VMartin's cosmology, where he will not be off-topic< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 29 2008,09:36   

Quote (VMartin @ Mar. 29 2008,09:16)
My personal opinion is this:

1) if unrelated snakes do not have common ancestor there is no need to make any predictions how their genes should look like. They might have quite dissimilar genes even if the color patterns on the snakes' bodies are similar.

2) if snakes do have a common ancestor and have also very similar color patterns I would say they express the same gene sets they inherited. In such case we are not witnissing any "mimicry".

if unrelated snakes do not have common ancestor

How do you think we can determine if unrelated snakes have a common ancestor?
there is no need to make any predictions how their genes should look like.

Only if unrelated snakes do not have a common ancestor. As it's generally accepted that all living things, never mind snakes, have a common ancestor the burden is therefore on you to prove that there is no need to make predictions.
They might have quite dissimilar genes even if the color patterns on the snakes' bodies are similar.

Might they? Perhaps you should examine the sequence data and come to a conclusion based on evidence rather then guesswork.
2) if snakes do have a common ancestor and have also very similar color patterns I would say they express the same gene sets they inherited. In such case we are not witnissing any "mimicry".

So you are a creationist eh? You say that snake begat snake begat snake and so on until the end of time? So you think it's not possible that the expression of "the same gene sets they inherited" will continue unchanged forever, as the lord god wanted it to be? Don't these "gene sets" ever vary? Or does each DNA molecule get protected by some force that science has not yet encountered or measured?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

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