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  Topic: Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed., Sternberg, Gonzalez, Crocker - A film< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 23 2008,13:50   

There's discussion of whether the Expelledgate incident is helping or hurting Mathis and Stein over on Chris Mooney's weblog.

I entered a comment putting in with those who think that this is a win for science education and a loss for Mathis.


The short AP article linked in a comment above is just right in my opinion. The first sentence carries the message:

   BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (AP) ? P.Z. Myers was interviewed in a movie. He's even thanked in the credits. He just wasn't allowed to actually watch it.

Put me in the group who thinks that Mathis and Stein aren't going to like the lingering effects of this incident. This reads as "UNFAIR" to any but IDC cheerleaders.

Think that message isn't getting across? The answer isn't to spike the story.

If Mathis had recognized Myers and proceeded to make sure that he and his party got good seats and complimentary refreshments, sure, they'd have gotten blog posts on Pharyngula blasting the movie content, but they'd have stayed in character for the role they are claiming via the film as being advocates for an exchange of ideas. The combination of predictable xenophobia and incompetence in the screening fiasco demonstrates that all that was just an act.

"Expelled" is already being used to attempt to influence the politics of antievolution. In Florida, they had a limited private screening aimed at legislators considering two Discovery Institute-derived "academic freedom" bills that would empower teachers -- and students -- to interrupt science classes discussing evolutionary science to bring in "weaknesses" (in other words, all the usual tired, bogus religiously-motivated antievolution arguments) without repercussion. Trying to pretend that the movie doesn't exist is not the answer. Impeaching the content and the producers goes some way toward reducing the ill effects it may have. The "Expelledgate" event gives us a good tool for that purpose.

As has been noted, we'll know within a couple of months whether that actually works out for us. I'm more comfortable with having been active and failing than I am with having done nothing and failing.

I got a response from a fellow I'd never heard of before saying:


Wesley R. Elsberry: "I'm more comfortable with having been active and failing than I am with having done nothing and failing."

But it's not about what you are comfortable with, but rather what works.

This was my response:



But it's not about what you are comfortable with, but rather what works.

Well, thanks for the vote of no confidence, but I'm still of the opinion that being  active in this area leads to gains and not losses.

Of course, I suppose you may think that your careful non-presence has had more to do with what has been gained in recent years than my work in this regard. I'd disagree, though.

Too much?

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker

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