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  Topic: oh, this should be fun..., examination of the efficacy of prayer< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: July 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,12:59   

Quote (sir_toejam @ April 01 2006,18:36)
If you check out the review article i posted, you will see a desire on the part of the reviewers to see studies funded that would pursue the potential pyschological damage resulting from faith healing efforts.

I'm reading your link now... but it is hard  to take seriously when I read stuff like: "Religious leaders questioned whether the prayers were appropriately worded and whether those praying were really moved by the spirit."

Prayers have to be "appropriately worded"?? What are these prayers,  magic spells -- get one word  off and suddenly you turn the patient into a frog. Is it the words that make a prayer work or the desire?

I kind of understand that "moved by the spirit" comment though -- that's the desire part. My intuition into these things I don't believe in would suggest to  me that you have to want to really, really want something (and wish real hard) before you can make it happen. Blowing out the candle on your birthday cake is just superstition -- its the intensity of the wish that  matters. As a child I could temporarily fool myself with that kind of magical thinking.

Does anybody else giggle when they read comments like that?

  41 replies since Mar. 31 2006,15:50 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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