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  Topic: oh, this should be fun..., examination of the efficacy of prayer< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 287
Joined: July 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 01 2006,12:29   

Quote (sir_toejam @ April 01 2006,18:14)
Indeed.  That's likely the reason the STEP program was funded by the Templeton foundation.

It would seem they are avoiding things known to get negative results:

If they wanted negative (or null) results for a religious study, why don't they study the effectiveness of exorcisms on people who claim to be demonically possessed. Then you could compare the priests' results with those of some good anti-psychotic drugs. (that could  make exorcists look bad -- or really good.)

Why not do a study on how effective faith healers are? James  Randi once investigated them...  perhaps they know that and  avoid it for that reason?

  41 replies since Mar. 31 2006,15:50 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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