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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2363
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 12 2008,00:55   

Tracy P Hamilton: "How would you know, Ceiling Cat?  Were you there?  (see my avatar)"

I'll have you know, Tracy, that I raised that Evil Devil-Cat Kitten from a tiny self-reproducing molecule, barely 100 atoms large, to a fine healthy specimen of a God-Kitten.  Then, barely as soon as he opened his eyes and started eating red meat, he turned into a hell raising, furball hacking, litter pan missing, yowling at the mooning bag of furr covered teeth and talons, just like his mother, a 101 atom large self-reproducing molecule that I also created and raised from scratch.  That 101st atom may have been unobtanium.  I don't remember, due to the drugs.  But I should have left it out.  And don't ask how she became the mother of my son.

Your avatar depicts the exact moment I kicked that little Cat From Hell out of the house with the admonition, "If you don't like it here, eat mice!  And childbirth is going to hurt like hell from now on!  Not that you'd care, being a male Devil Cat, but it's going to hurt anyway you little ingrate!"

Last I heard, he'd killed and eaten both of DaveTard's dogs and had DaveTard himself cornered in his bathroom, afraid to come out.  Serves them both right.

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