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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 544
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 11 2008,15:55   

Inspector Springer of New Scotland Tard explains the latest crime busting techniques.

First we get CSI to determine if the victim was killed accidentally or by design and they turn invariably to the crime detector's bible, "The Design Inference" by Dr Dr William Dembski (they may deny this, but they do). They calculate the number of permutations of knife and body: knife penetrating body, knife entirely outside body, or knife entirely inside the body. That's three possible outcomes which correspond to two bits of information and three independant specifications:  murder by stabbing, murder by not stabbing, and accidental death due to eating way too quickly. Two bits of CSI information is well above the LPB which is also used to detect link modification etc.

As to the identity of the murderer:  First we assume it was someone from a rival blog.  Then someone else owns up to doing it and we modify our hypothesis to include "or possibly an alien, or a deity - it's not that important, move on, nothing to see here" and we return to our primary function which involves sitting around in our cars eating snacks. If anyone complains, we escort them from the premises and never allow them back.

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