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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3326
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 11 2008,14:45   

I can't believe that no one has commented on the change in ownership over at Overwhelming Evidence? Per Sam Chen:
In the last few weeks, my associate here at Patrick and I have been working closely in turning this site over to be the official blog site for The Design of Life and for continuing this discussion. As of today, I am officially resigning my position as the head of the site and the site is passing on to Denyse O'Leary.

That's right!  OE has now been added to the O'Leary blog conglomerate!  Because, like, ya know, she is all down wit' the youths. Yo! Word!

And she has wasted no time.  What can we see in her latest post?
A life in print makes you tough, it doesn't necessarily make you wise.

So I am hoping to learn along with everyone else.

But watch this space for great new developments.

Meanwhile, here are some stories I have put up elsewhere that may interest you:

The reviewers start to look at The Design of Life, a design-friendly biology textbook.

Or are we just connecting to the universe, as the Design of Life authors think.

Also: Today at The Mindful Hack:

Researchers ask, What does it mean to be an animal?

How the Catholic Church built up science

Kind words from a fellow blogger

How much does the hole in your wallet improve the taste of wine?

Chronic pain reduced by meditation, not medication

How far has "mind reading" got?

The myth of the Christian Right: What happens when you ask Democrats if they
too are born again?

God must exist, otherwise he wouldn't be able to enjoy this debate.

Okay, so it isn't original content, but it does seem to be a useful consolidation of products offered by other companies in the O'Leary family.

Wait.  Did I just read what I think?

*rubs eyes*

Uh oh.  I did read that.
How much does the hole in your wallet improve the taste of wine?

That is right, folks.  Denyse O'Leary is posting about tasting alcoholic beverages on a  website targetted to high school and college students.  She is  right about one thing, though.  Her life in journalism hasn't made her wise.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)

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