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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 11 2008,12:12   

Quote (CeilingCat @ Mar. 11 2008,05:03)
Davetard misses the point - as usual.
Quite often when confronted with the problematic nature of explaining the arrival of the first life capable of supporting descent with modification an evolutionary theorist will say the theory has no bearing on how the first life came into existence - the theory only explains what happened after that.

Is this true?

Well, yes and no. Evolutionary theory doesn’t explain exactly how the first life was created and doesn’t demand any particular modus operandi. However, that’s not to say it doesn’t make any assumptions at all. It assumes that the first life was a simple cell and the mechanism(s) described by the theory made a simple common ancestor (or perhaps a few simple common ancestors) into the complex and diverse spectrum of life we observe today.

BZZZT!!  Wrong!  The only people who assume the first life was a cell are creationists stating what they believe science believes.  And they are wrong.

Even the simplest cell is enormously complex - much too complex to have formed by chance.  Cells are the result of a long period of Darwinian evolution adding information a few bits at a time.
If you want to find out if NDE really cares about how life originated just try asserting that life originated as very complex forms that were programmed to diversify in a prescribed manner. Try saying the original form of life on the earth was like a stem cell in that it contained the unexpressed potential in it to diversify into many different forms with chance playing little if any role in the diversification process. Or better yet, for some real shrieking and howling rejection, try proposing that life originated as very complex perfect forms such as described in the Garden of Eden and the story of evolution is really a story of devolution from originally perfect, diverse forms.

This theory is even worse than the theory that the first life was a cell.  Where does all of this information come from, Dave?  Scientific theories all assume that the first "living thing" was a simple self-reproducing molecule or, at the most, several molecules which manage to reproduce themselves.  Low information, either way.  Low enough to form by chance in a million years or so.

The reason scientists howl at the idea of the first cell incorporating all of the information to make all forms of life we see today is because that would require a tremendous amount of information and people who propose such ideas never have a way of accounting for this information.  Ditto for complex creatures poofing into existence.  Where does all that information come from?

Creationism's answer to this question, of course, is Goddidit.  Which just leads to the next obvious question: where did God come from?  It takes billions of bits of carefully ordered information to make any kind of intelligence powerful enough to make a living thing.  When you figure out where God (or The Designer if you insist) got that high information intelligence from, let us know and we'll stop laughing at you long enough to look at your evidence.  Until then, carry on.  We're enjoying it.

How would you know, Ceiling Cat?  Were you there?  ;)(see my avatar)

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